Company culture refers to the shared attitudes and behaviors of the people within an organization. Your culture is established to mirror your company's mission, vision, and values.
Leaders are the owners and champions of the company culture. People within the organization look to leaders for the behaviors, actions, and attitudes that set the culture. Leaders who exhibit support, collaboration, and transparency establish the expectations that flow through to everyone within the organization. And, it pays off: businesses that place culture at the forefront witness a substantial 33% boost in their revenue. It's important to note that skilled managers play a significant role in driving 27% of this revenue growth.

The image above illustrates how the structure, processes, and people support the culture of your organization. If the foundation and systems within your organization are aligned, it will lead to job satisfaction for your people and positive results for your organization.
To understand what corporate culture means and for strategies for leaders to help define and establish your company culture, read,that%20will%20guide%20its%20actions.